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How to use the interactive Candy Crawl Map:
To zoom in or out of the map, place two fingers on the touchpad/screen and pinch in or stretch out. Click on a pin to view pop-up containing that location's address, image, and to enable directions to that address.
For a static map and list of addresses, see section below.
🍺🍷🍹 Libation Station + Candy Crawl Host Houses 🎃 🍭 👻
All Host Houses shown on the Candy Crawl Map will be handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Additionally, houses designated on the map or listed below as a Libation Station will also be serving beer or wine to adults who purchase a refillable drink cup for a $10 donation.
Reserve you cup in advance by heading here.
- 2045 Coliseum St
- 1451 Magazine St
- 1434 Polymnia
- 1704 Prytania St
- 1220 Felicity St
- 1420 Felicity St
- 1409 St. Mary St
- 1388 Camp St
If you signed up to be a Host House and don't see your address on this map, don't fret! All Host Houses will be added by 10/30.
Want more information on the 2023 LGD Halloween Candy Crawl + Party in the Park? Go here.
Static Map

*Note all house images used in thumbnails were pulled from Google Maps for address listed.
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