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LGDA Candy Crawl Map Header

How to use the interactive Candy Crawl Map:
To zoom in or out of the map, place two fingers on the touchpad/screen and pinch in or stretch out. Click on a pin to view pop-up containing that location's address, image, and to enable directions to that address.

For a static map and list of addresses, see section below.

🍺🍷🍹 Libation Station + Candy Crawl Host Houses 🎃 🍭 👻

All Host Houses shown on the Candy Crawl Map will be handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Additionally, houses designated on the map or listed below as a Libation Station will also be serving beer or wine to adults who purchase a refillable drink cup for a $10 donation.
Reserve you cup in advance by heading

- 2045 Coliseum St
- 1451 Magazine St
- 1434 Polymnia
- 1704 Prytania St
- 1220 Felicity St
- 1420 Felicity St
- 1409 St. Mary St
- 1388 Camp St

If you signed up to be a Host House and don't see your address on this map, don't fret! All Host Houses will be added by 10/30.

Want more information on the 2023 LGD Halloween Candy Crawl + Party in the Park?
Go here.

Static Map

Screen Shot 2023-10-30 at 10.55.27 AM.png
Artboard 1.png

*Note all house images used in thumbnails were pulled from Google Maps for address listed. 

The Lower Garden District Association is run entirely by passionate volunteers who live in the neighborhood. If you also want to volunteer to help improve the LGD, please reach out. No contribution is too small.

Lower Garden District Association

3436 Magazine Street, PMB 612

New Orleans, LA 70115

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Copyright (C)2024 The Lower Garden District Association. All rights reserved.

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